Friday, April 3, 2009

The Gift of Writers Block

I have been struggling for the past couple of weeks with writers block. I was supposed to be writing a talk that I will give for the first time tomorrow and for the "real deal" a week or so after Easter. But this is not just any talk. This one is about study, and it has forced me to look at my life in new ways.

I hadn't realized just how deeply my study has affected my faith, or even how deeply study is a part of my life. I just live it. I am always on the lookout for where God is going to surprise me with a little love note and teach me more about Himself.

In some ways writing this talk has shaken me to my core. It has made me see where God found me to bring me home when I thought that he had turned away from me. I suppose in some sense it explains a bit why I feel as though I live somewhere outside of the mainstream and why I am so quick to find theological implications in just about everything.

For the next few weeks I will be practicing and perfecting this talk, looking ever more deeply at what God is telling me through the words that He has given to me to share with others. It can be a bit disconcerting to discover something so profound hiding somewhere in oneself. But I hope that I will continue to find new expressions of God's love wherever I look for them.

1 comment:

kimberly said...

You don't sound blocked to me, this is a very inspirational read!!! Oh, yea, God's love is expressed everywhere. For me it was just now as I read this sweet blog entry. Blessings to you as you keep listening to God.